Management of Aggressive Behavior

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Dealing with violence and aggression is an area where health professionals often feel uncertain. Standing at the interface between medicine, psychiatry, and law, the best actions may not be clear, and guidelines are neither consistently applicable nor explicit. In acute medical settings, aggressive violent behavior is more likely a result of a medical, mental health, emotional problem, or some combination thereof. The goal of this course is to attempt to understand the possible causes of aggressive behavior and how to address them and de-escalate the situation. It will also explore possible violent scenarios and what staff can do to make sure they are safe.

Learning Objectives Management of Aggressive Behavior

  • Recognize that violence is not uncommon in healthcare settings.
  • Recognize the importance of training to manage aggressive behavior, explore situations, and have backup plans.
  • Recognize that patients/families suffering fropsychological crises can become physically aggressive and violent.
  • Identify patients with a high risk of violent behavior,
  • Know de-escalation techniques.
  • Know when to use restraints to ensure patient and caregiver safety.